

Quienes Somos


Cultura y Bienestar (CyB) is a mental health prevention and early intervention program in Alameda County promoting wellness through individual and community resiliency.

More About CyB

Events & Activities


Youth Mental Health First Aid


La Clinica CyB Office: 1415 Fruitvale Ave. Oakland, CA

Free trainings for adults who support youth, including teachers, school staff, parents, counselors, and more. Learn how to recognize common signs and symptoms of mental health challenges in youth, including: Anxiety, Depression, Eating disorders, and ADHD.



Adult Mental Health First Aid


La Clinica CyB Office: 1415 Fruitvale Ave. Oakland, CA

Free training for community workers and members. Learn how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental health and substance use challenges among adults.


Familia Adelante-TVHC

Re-ocurring - Tuesdays


Bibiloteca Publica, Newark/Public Library, Newark

Familia Adelante es un programa de 10 sesiones para padres Latinos y sus jóvenes en edades de 10 a 14 años. Este programa brinda herramientas para afrontar el impacto del estrés familiar, mejorar la comunicación, aprender más sobre la prevención del uso de drogas y otros comportamientos de alto riesgo en los jóvenes latinos.

Familia Adelante is a 10-session program for Latino parents and their teens ages 10-14. This program provides tools to address the impact of family stress, improve communication, and learn more about preventing substance use and other high-risk behaviors in Latino youth.


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Our Guiding Principles

Founded on the principle of La Cultura Cura and prevention and early intervention in mental health, our program has evolved over the years and embraced these guiding principles:

  • butterflies

    La Cultura Cura

  • puzzle

    Community Planning

  • chains

    Decolonizing Mental Health

  • hands

    Strength-Based Approach

  • hearts

    Cariño y Corazon

  • leaves

    Collaboration and Partnership

  • medicine

    Traditional Healing

  • globe

    Cultural and Linguistic Diversity

Learn About Our Guiding Principles

Our Partnership

CyB is a partnership of three Latinx healthcare providers in Alameda County: La Clínica de La Raza (La Clínica), La Familia Counseling Inc. (La Familia), and Tiburcio Vasquez Health Center.

Supported by ACBHCS with MHSA (Prop 63) funding