
We are reaching the community through their culture, honoring and giving respect to their traditions and values.

La Familia staff

Upcoming Events


Youth Mental Health First Aid


La Clinica CyB Office: 1415 Fruitvale Ave. Oakland, CA

Free trainings for adults who support youth, including teachers, school staff, parents, counselors, and more. Learn how to recognize common signs and symptoms of mental health challenges in youth, including: Anxiety, Depression, Eating disorders, and ADHD.




Adult Mental Health First Aid


La Clinica CyB Office: 1415 Fruitvale Ave. Oakland, CA

Free training for community workers and members. Learn how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental health and substance use challenges among adults.


Support Group

Drumming Circle

Ongoing group - Mondays

4:00pm - 5:00pm

CyB - 1415 Fruitvale Ave. Oakland, CA

Drumming Circle led by Raul Pacheco.



Taller de Tablero de Visión

Viernes 24 de Enero, 2025

5:30pm - 7:30pm

1415 Fruitvale Ave, Oakland, CA 94601

Crea tu propio tablero de visión y visualiza tus metas para el nuevo año!

Con tableros, revistas, afirmaciones, y marcadores, transformaremos nuestras ideas y

sueños en algo visual y concreto. Este proceso te ayudará a enfocarte en lo que realmente

deseas lograr y a mantenerte motivado durante todo el año.

Este taller será facilitado por Yanelit Madriz Zarate, promotora de salud. Nos

enfocaremos en nuestras metas individuales, mientras nos cuidamos y apoyamos

mutuamente en un espacio creativo y de comunidad. Juntos, fortaleceremos nuestra

visión personal y nos inspiraremos en el poder de estar conectados con los demás para

alcanzar nuestros objetivos.


Create your own vision board and visualize your goals for the new year!

With boards, magazines, affirmations, and markers, we will transform our ideas and

dreams into something visual and tangible. This process will help you focus on what you

truly want to achieve and keep you motivated throughout the year.

This workshop will be led by Yanelit Madriz Zarate, Behavioral Health Educator. We will

focus on our individual goals while taking care of ourselves and supporting each other in a

creative and community space. Together, we will strengthen our personal vision and draw

inspiration from the power of being connected with others to reach our goals.


Past Events


Union City Mini Workshop Series

October 17 - December 19, 2024

5:00 pm - 6:30pm

Biblioteca - Union City: 34007 Alvarado-Niles Road Union City, CA 94587

Join Cultura y Bienestar in collaboration with the Union City library – we invite you to join us in the following workshop series:

October 17, 2024 Envejecimiento Positivo

November 21, 2024 El Impacto del estres en nuestra salud fisica y mental

December 19, 2024 (Virtual) Construyendo Hogar: El significado de las festividades de fin de año para el migrante




Celebrando En Comunidad

Friday, December 13, 2024

2:30pm - 5:00pm

Juntos Fruitvale - 3357 International Blvd. Oakland, CA 94601


Cultura y Bienestar- TVHC en Colaboración con la Ciudad de Newark

September 17 - November 19, 2024

9:30 am - 11:30 am

Silliman Activity and Family Aquatic Center - 6800 Mowry Ave, Newark, CA 94560

Invita a la comunidad, promotoras, y lideres comunitarios a participar de 10 sesiones grupales para continuar en la ruta del auto conocimiento, expresión emocional y promoción de resiliencia.

Sesión 1: 9/17
Sesión 2: 10/ 1
Sesión 3: 10/8
Sesión 4: 10/15
Sesión 5: 10/29
Sesión 6: 11/5
Sesión 7: 11/12
Sesión 8: 11/19

Flyer desarrollo personal Fall (1)


Support Group

Grupo de Apoyo Para Padres

El Primero y Tercero Martes de cada mez, De Agosto 20 - Noviembre 5 2024

10am - 12pm

La Clinica Fruitvale Village (Tercer piso) - 3451 E 12th St. Oakland, CA 94601

Grupo de Apoyo para padres con Liz Hinojosa y Brenda Perez. Habra apoyo para hablantes de Maya Mam.



Palabra, Bienestar e Identidad

October 22, 2024

5pm - 7pm

1415 Fruitvale Ave. Oakland, CA 94601

Acompañenos este 22 de Octubre para celebrar el dia de los pueblos Indigenas en Cultura y Bienestar. Pat Boy, cantante de rap en lengua Maya y Sarawi Andrango, escritora y poeta ecuatoriana nos acompañan para compartir su arte y conocimiento sobre nuestras raices y culturas.
Habra refrigerios y cuidado infantil disponible




Primeros Auxilios en Salud Mental Para Adulto

October 19, 2024

8:30am - 5pm

1415 Fruitvale Ave. Oakland, CA 94601

Este será nuestro último entrenamiento abierto al público en este año. Resumiremos entrenamientos mensuales en enero 2025!
fecha: sábado, 19 de octubre, 2024
hora: 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM (almuerzo incluido)
lugar: Cultura y Bienestar – 1415 Fruitvale Ave, Oakland, CA
Si gusta participar por favor llame al (510) 363-0635, o llene el formulario:
Registro cerrará el miércoles 9 de octubre.



Traditional Healing

Altares and Ofrendas

October 4, 2024

4:30pm - 6:30pm

1415 Fruitvale Ave. Oakland, CA 94601

Cultura Y Bienestar junto con Irma Alvarado Martinez, maestra
de medicina tradicional, invitamos al público a unirnos para
platicar sobre las Ofrendas de un Altar tradicional.

FINAL 2024 Altares y Ofrendas (2) (1)


Support Group

Gardening Group

Paused group -

9:30am - 11am

CyB - 1415 Fruitvale Ave. Oakland, CA

Former Gardening group led by Kaitlin Cruz


Traditional Healing

Honrando El Camino De La Vida

Thursday, August 22, 2024


Parroquia Nuestra Senor del Rosario - 703 C St., Union City, CA 94587

Volantesflyers (1)

In this Traditional Healing workshop, we will reflect on our journey in the second half of life. We will learn how to identify the cycles of life and internal resources to live a better and simple life.



Back To School Workshop in Mam

August 2nd, 2024

Option 1: 10:30am - 12:30pm and Option 2: 5:30pm - 7:30pm

CyB Location - 1415 Fruitvale Ave. Oakland, CA 94601

Back to School workshop in Mam language. This workshop is for parents, informing them about how to prepare ourselves and our children for the upcoming school year. This is for people in the Maya Mam community with children in grades K-8th grade.



Mental Health First Aid (Spanish)

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

8:00am - 5:00pm

La Clinica Transit Village - 3451 E. 12th St. Room 3A, Oakland, CA 94601

¿Quieres obtener tu certificado en Primeros Auxilios en Salud Mental? Regístrate para este entrenamiento gratuito! En este curso de un día obtendrás nuevos conocimientos y herramientas para apoyar alguien que esté pasando un momento difícil o una crisis de salud mental. Requerido registrarse.

Para más información enviar un correo a



Jardin de Amigues

June 24 - June 28th, 2024

9:30am - 3:30pm

1415 Fruitvale Ave. Oakland, CA 94601

Garden group for kids 5-11 years old by Raul Pacheco at Cultura y Bienestar.



Brazos Abiertos

May 30th - June 20th, 2024

3:00pm - 5:30pm

Newark Library - 37055 Newark Blvd. Newark, CA 94560

Brazos Abiertos is a workshop series covering stigmas in mental health within the Latino community. Participants will learn how to define stigma, the negative impact it can have on our mental health, and strategies to confront it. This set of workshops will be led by the Tiburcio Vasquez Health Center as part of the Cultura y Bienestar Collaborative. Four workshops will be held for this training: May 30th, June 6th, June 13th, and June 20th, 2024.


Support Group

Women in Movement

Every Tuesday for 6 weeks starting May 21st

9:00am - 10:00am

La Clinica CyB Office: 1415 Fruitvale Ave. Oakland, CA

Women’s walking group by Elizabeth Hinojosa.




Mujeres Valiosas

Saturday, May 18, 2024

7:30am - 5:30pm

Fellowship Hall de Asbury - 4743 East Ave., Livermore, CA 94550

Spanish speaking women’s conference by Guadalupe Barattino. Special keynote speaker will be the mayor of Dublin, Melissa Hernandez. There will be several workshops for different age groups.



Mother’s Day Event

Friday, May 17, 2024


La Clinica CyB Office, 1415 Fruitvale Ave, Oakland, CA

Cultura y Bienestar and Radio B’alam invites the Maya Mam community to celebrate Mother’s Day. Health educator Brenda Perez will be teaching about balance and self-care. There will appetizers, daycare, and raffles!


Traditional Healing

Healing Our Traumatic Experiences

Monday, April 22, 2024

9:00am - 12:00pm

The Silliman Aquatic Center - 6800 Mowry Ave, Newark, CA 94560

This workshop is facilitated by traditional healer, Marcela Sabin and supported by the Tiburcio Vasquez Health Center as part of the Cultura y Bienestar collaborative. This workshop is about understanding traumatic experiences and their impact on our mental health. Through this workshop we will have the opportunity to reconnect with the healing power found in our culture and roots in order to move forward in the process of developing our own tools for personal empowerment and healing.
